Dzień: <span>2016-12-03</span>

Warning: Use of undefined constant amadeoGetPostImage - assumed 'amadeoGetPostImage' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /wordpress/wp-content/themes/amadeo-pro/archive.php on line 16

Regulamin konkursu „Super Senior”


Regulamin konkursu „Super Senior”:

Warning: Use of undefined constant amadeoGetPostImage - assumed 'amadeoGetPostImage' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /wordpress/wp-content/themes/amadeo-pro/archive.php on line 16

Uroczysty Dzień Seniora


30 listopada w Domu Kultury w Nieledwi świętowano Dzień Seniora.

Warning: Use of undefined constant amadeoGetPostImage - assumed 'amadeoGetPostImage' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /wordpress/wp-content/themes/amadeo-pro/archive.php on line 16

Andrzejki w Klubie Seniora „Platan”


16 listopada 2016 roku odbyło się spotkanie andrzejkowe dla Seniorów w Bibliotece w Nieledwi.